What’s new with us

  • Launch Announcement: NS Non-Profit Housing Association

    Launch Announcement: NS Non-Profit Housing Association

    Covet is excited to announce the launch of the Nova Scotia Non-Profit Housing Association website. The NSNPHA is dedicated to supporting, growing, and mobilizing the non-profit housing sector. Covet is excited to announce the launch of the Nova Scotia Non-Profit Housing Association website. The NSNPHA is dedicated to supporting, growing, and mobilizing the non-profit housing…

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  • Launch Announcement: Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada

    Launch Announcement: Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada

    Over the past few months, Kyle & Jenn have had the opportunity to build the Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada’s new website. The FGCAC brings together fishing and aquaculture industry members and experts to foster innovation, drive meaningful projects, and build action teams dedicated to shaping a sustainable future for our oceans. While browsing…

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  • Launch Announcement: Allumiqs Refresh

    Launch Announcement: Allumiqs Refresh

    Kyle had the opportunity to work with Allumiqs on their new website. It was a fun process, and as the lead web developer on the project he’s pleased that it’s now live. Some key of the features of the site are: Leveraging the power of WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE), we’ve crafted a highly customizable…

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  • Businesses: Control your website hosting

    Businesses: Control your website hosting

    Your website can be one of your most valuable assets, do you control it? At Covet, we don’t host any websites for our clients. Which might seem strange for a web development company. Instead we assist our clients with setting up their own hosting accounts with a variety of providers (these days it’s typically Cloudways…

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  • Things to consider before starting your new website

    Things to consider before starting your new website

    Before diving into your new website, here’s a few things to consider before reaching out to a developer: By spending a little bit of time up front on each of these points you will be well prepared to meet with any developer.  Showing up with this knowledge readily available leads to more efficient projects and…

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  • Your most important account

    Your most important account

    Business owners, when it comes to your company’s online presence, one account is significantly more important than the rest. Let’s talk about your domain registrar (where you purchase and renew your domain names) and why it is the most crucial account you have. With access to this account, you can swap out any facet of…

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  • Why Google Lighthouse matters to your business

    Why Google Lighthouse matters to your business

    First of all, what is Google Lighthouse? It’s a tab buried in the Developer Tools of Google Chrome. The vast majority of people will never have cause to open up and look at Lighthouse, but if you have a website, you should know that the data this feature catalogues on your site materially affects how…

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  • Launch Announcement: NS Loan Board Suite of New Sites

    Launch Announcement: NS Loan Board Suite of New Sites

    Covet is excited to announce the launch of the Nova Scotia Provincial Loan Board’s suite of new websites! As the lead developer on this project, I’m thrilled to see them go live and to share them with you. Some of the features of the sites include: We worked with a great team at the Province…

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  • Swarms of Things is now Covet

    Swarms of Things is now Covet

    We’re pleased to announce that we have renamed our company.

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